Thursday, August 15, 2019

Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic

The Temple

The Temple of the Sacred Tooth (Sri Dalada Maligawa) was originally built by the Kandyan Kings between 1687 and 1707, in order to house and honour the sacred tooth relic. The temple itself was badly damaged during the 18th century colonial wars against the Portuguese and Dutch, and the wooden structures were subsequently rebuilt using more robust stone. In more recent years, the temple was damaged by Hindu Tamil separatists in 1998, although once again, the tooth relic was unharmed.

The temple buildings are perhaps not as magnificent or ornately decorated as many we’ve seen in South East Asia, yet they are rather striking with their red roofs and white stone walls overlooking Kandy Lake. The low walls have simple carved openings that give a filigree effect, and are used to house coconut oil lamps and candles during festivals.

It’s inside where the magic happens. In a bold contrast to the exterior, the interior temple structures are elaborately carved and painted with exotic woods, lacquer and ivory. On entering the temple complex you step into the Pallemaluwa, or the ground floor area. The chamber is intricately decorated, and it is here where the daily rituals are carried out.

Further inside is the Pattirippuwa, or Octagon, which was built by the last King of Kandy as a place where he could address his fellow countrymen. Once part of the royal palace, today this building has been incorporated into the temple and is now home to ancient texts.


The best time to visit Kandy is during the Esala Perahera, one of the most famous Buddhist festivals in the world. Held in July or August each year, this 10 day torchlight parade began in the 18th century to honour the sacred tooth. The relic was carried by a royal male elephant, which would lead a colourful procession of drummers, fire dancers, musicians, jugglers, acrobats, dignitaries and 100 other elephants decked out in elegant finery around the city of Kandy. If you’ve ever seen photographs of elaborately decorated elephants in Sri Lanka, it will have been from the Esala Perahera!

Unfortunately the tooth itself has not been used during the festival since 1990, as a result of tensions with the Tamil Tigers and the resulting worry that the relic could be damaged or stolen. Instead, the jewelled casket is paraded in its place.

The final night of the procession ends at the shrine within the Temple of the Tooth, with elders dressed in the costumes of the Kandyan kings. The president and country leaders also take part in the ceremony to reinforce their dedication to serving the people of Sri Lanka. About a million people attend the Esala Perahera each year, and as the temple is seen as part of Sri Lanka’s cultural heritage, many Tamil Hindus and Christians also take part.

Visiting the Temple of the Tooth

Every day white robed pilgrims make the journey to the temple, bearing offerings of lotus blossoms and frangipani to honour the precious relic. The flowers are purchased from vendors beside the temple gates, and the whole complex is wonderfully scented with blossoms and incense. Visitors of other faiths as well as tourists are welcomed at the Temple of the Tooth, and it’s very easy to navigate your way around. Just follow the slow procession of devotees filing through the halls and past the relic.

You can hire a guide at the entrance, and be aware that if anyone starts chatting to you whilst you’re buying your ticket, it is likely that they will be guides. Only allow them to accompany you if you’re willing to pay for their tour afterwards! If you prefer to go it alone, take a guide book as information is scarce. However, inside one of the halls, there is a series of informative story boards (in English) telling the legend of the sacred tooth.

There are several museums to explore (entrances are included in the ticket price and many of the labels are in English), and the King’s palace is also inside the temple grounds, although this is not open to visitors.

Temple Entrance: SKR 1500 per person.
Opening hours: 05.30 – 20.00 hours

Top Tip: You will need to remove your footwear before entering the temple – shoes are stored at the entrance and handed back on departure. It’s a good idea to wear socks to avoid burning your feet (the pathways outside become very hot in the sun).

Where to stay: There are lots of accommodation options in Kandy, you can check here for prices and availability:

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